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The Winter Melon Tale Intro

大冬瓜 The Winter Melon Tale

FAN TUNG (Liu Kai Chi) is one of the four deities under the Stove God. He has offended the Queen Mother of the West of being ravenous and gets imprisoned for 500 years in the winter melon. By chance TIN TAI KWAI (Chan Kam Hung, Sunny) and his wife CHUNG PIK YUK (So Yuk Wah, Louisa) free him from constraint. Tung has crashed with Kwai's older brother TIN TAI FU (also played by Liu Kai Chi) accidentally and his spirit enters Fu's body inexplicably while losing all his instincts.

Tung starts living in Kwai's house and getting closer to the family. Yuk finds Tung suspicious and she tries to unmask him by all means. Having failed in his attempt to return to Heaven, Tung becomes reliant on the help of six little deities who assimilated his instincts released from the melon, and since then Tung becomes aware of the fickleness of human nature. One day, Fu's truant wife LING FUNG (Lau Yuk Chui, Rain) suddenly returns. She ruins everything and even causes the death of Kwai. In order to get his life back, Tung illicitly breaks into the netherworld.

神仙范統(廖啟智)原為灶君座下粥、粉、麵、飯四大弟子之一,因偷吃極品冬瓜盅觸怒皇母娘娘,被罰囚於大冬瓜內五百年靜思己過。凡間田大貴(陳錦鴻)、鐘 碧玉(蘇玉華)夫婦無意解開金鎖,救出范統,豈料大貴之兄田大富(廖啟智分飾)失足墮崖,與路過之范統撞在一起,范統竟附到大富身上,法力全失。

范統無奈暫住在大貴家中,卻與一家人建立真摯的感情,唯碧玉始對其身份起疑,暗中使計欲揭穿其真面目,弄致笑話連篇。范統一心重返天庭,但法力盡 失,烏龍百出,幸得六隻因沾染其仙氣得到法力之小神仙連番解救,因而看盡凡間人情冷暖。其後當日嫌棄大富家貧出走之妻子凌鳳(劉玉翠)忽然回歸,不但為田 家帶來麻煩,更連累大貴無辜一命嗚呼,范統為救大貴,不惜再犯天條,強闖地府...

Credit: AOD